Oktober Laholms Konstmånad - Laholms Art Month my work will be shown at several places in Laholm (Rådhuset, Missionshuset and store windows) August 26-28 "Kunst in Ootmarsum" - art fair in the center of Ootmarsum, The Netherlands. More info: Ootmarsum
August 16-20 "Back to Berlin", an exhibition organised and curated by Galleri Zero and Forum Factory in Berlin. (Besselstrasse 13-14) May 25-29 "Konstrunda i Halland / Art route in Halland county". More information on Konstrundan i halland April 30-May 19 Exhibition "Nyfiken" at Galleri Snoeck& Leja i Laholm. Easter weekend /Påskhelg Exhibition "Nyfiken" at Himmelsholm, Förslöv. More information will follow soon. January 7 Opening of our gallery: SnoecK & Leja , Storgatan 16 in Laholm from the 7th of January! We will exhibit our own art on a permanent basis but also other artists will show up their work.
More information at: https://facebook.com/galleriSnoeck&Leja